Feeling stressed today? You might have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium, also known as the “relaxation mineral,” can cause you to feel stressed and anxious if you are not consuming enough of it on a regular basis. Get the FAQs about magnesium and how a magnesium deficiency can impact your life!
How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone (Cortisol) for Weight Loss
STRESS!!! Its causes are absolutely everywhere. Would you agree? Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. It’s supposed to help us escape injury or death in an emergency and then return to normal after we’ve fought or flew. But, that doesn’t happen too much in our society – it […]
What to eat to feel full longer
Have you ever notice that some foods keep you feeling full longer? And others give you the munchies an hour later? That can make the advice to “stop eating when you feel full” a bit tricky if you’re picking foods that aren’t filling. That’s a phenomenon called satiety. It’s the feeling of fullness, of being […]
Raw vs. Cooked – Which Contains More Vitamins and Minerals?
Let’s finally put an end to the debate of raw vs. cooked. Of course, in the grand scheme of a well-balanced, nutrient-dense, varied, whole foods diet, the cooked vs. raw debate isn’t that critical for most people. Where this can become a consideration is for vitamin and mineral deficiencies (or “insufficiencies”). These may be due […]
Artificial Sweeteners – The Truth
You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially “added sugars” like in soda pop, candy, baked goods, and many commercially-available cereals, just to name a few. Added sugar is hiding just about everywhere in the grocery store. Yes, ingesting refined sugar spikes your blood sugar and insulin, and increases your […]
Can I Still Lose Weight If I Don’t Want To Give Up Wine/Alcohol?
It’s no lie that alcohol and weight loss goals generally don’t mix, and if we’re being honest, there really are many reasons to reduce or even give up alcohol from our diets and social habits. On the other hand, if you are able to handle alcohol safely and responsibly, having a glass of wine, or […]
Emotional Eating – What is it and how can I get a handle on it?
Picture this: You hit the snooze button one too many times, had a last-minute project thrown at you at work, and then sat in an hour of evening traffic. Finally home, you breathe a sigh of relief, head into the kitchen, and decide you deserve a snack after the day you’ve had. Maybe you reach […]
The bathroom scale is a liar
We all know the frustration of working hard to maintain a healthy body weight, only to step on the bathroom scale and see the numbers going in the wrong direction – or not quickly enough in the right direction! Here are 6 truths about those annoyingly normal daily weight fluctuations: 1| Scale weight is not […]
60+ Sneaky Names For Sugar – And Why You Crave Every One Of Them!
You might call your beloved “sweet thing” or maybe you’ve got a song on replay in your head about the sweet stuff, but let’s put the cute nicknames and catchy old tunes aside… Because the granulated truth is that sugar is added to many processed foods, and manufacturers often use several different types, by several […]
4 Easy Ways to Beat Fatigue…Naturally!
Many of my clients state that their number 1 health challenge aside from weight loss is exhaustion. I get a lot of requests like this: “I need to lose weight and get energy”. And one of the many reasons people overeat, is because their body losses energy… Today I will explain how to restore energy in a […]