Do you soak or sprout your nuts, seeds, grains and legumes? Is it to help improve their digestibility? To help increase their nutrition? Perhaps, it’s to reduce phytic acid? Phytic acid is naturally present in most nuts, seeds, grains and legumes; it is the plant’s storage form of the mineral phosphorus and is used as […]
How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables
The Nutrition Facts table is on the side of most packaged foods. It’s often found close to the ingredient listing. The purpose of it is to help consumers make better nutrition decisions. When people can see the number of calories, carbs, sodium, etc. in food, they should be able to eat better, right? Whether you […]
The Optimal Foods To Eat For Breakfast To Lose Menopause Weight
Many of my clients complain that they gained weight during menopause: “I care how I look. I don’t belong in this body. I hate this.” While many medical doctors say that weight gain in menopause is normal, traditional medicine states that a healthy woman maintains her ideal body weight from the age of 18 throughout […]
Five Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks You Will Love
The words “weight-loss” and “snacks” often appear in the same sentence. But that might also bring thoughts of “tasteless,” “cardboard,” and “completely unsatisfying.” Right? Let me give you my best weight-loss friendly snacks that aren’t just nutritious but also delicious! What’s my criteria you ask? They have to be nutrient-dense whole foods where a little goes […]
Meal Prep Shortcuts You Need to Know
A big part of feeling successful in your healthy eating regime is planning and preparing your meals ahead of time — so you’re not tempted to just stop at the fast-food drive-thru on your way home from work! So, why not bring back the tradition of good ‘ol home cookin’ and start eating healthier, more […]
Common Weight Loss Myths Busted
Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions everywhere. I say, forget about “who’s right” and let’s focus on “what’s right.” Because what gets results is what I’m focusing on in this post. I respect you too much to make empty promises and try to sell you on something that […]
Can You Really Lose Just Belly Fat?
The quick ‘n dirty answer is Yes…and No. The ‘NO’ part is that “spot reduction” or losing fat from just one area on your body has officially been labeled as a myth. Fat can’t just choose to come off from only one area! So, it truly doesn’t matter how many crunches you do or the […]
What is a ‘Health Halo’?
If you’re trying to eat healthier, you already know you should be including lots of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. But when you step into a grocery store, things get a bit more complicated. The majority of store shelves are crammed with a tempting assortment of pre-packaged and convenience foods. So, how do […]
Pros and Cons of Elimination Diet
Our digestive system is a huge portal into our bodies. Lots of things can get in there that aren’t always good for us. And because the system is so complex (knowing which tiny molecules to absorb, and which keep out), lots can go wrong. And that’s one reason why 70% of our immune system lives […]
Can Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain?
Are you stuck trying to figure out why you’re gaining weight — or why it’s so difficult to lose those extra pounds that just seemed to sneak up on you despite not changing your diet or exercise habits? This is often referred to as Weight Loss Resistance – and it’s exactly how it sounds: weight […]